In order to bring down the high rate of road fatalities government is planning to make crash test mandatory for all cars once the test facilities are available in the country which is expected to arrive in India by March 2015. When we compare Indian safety norms with the other countries like Europe or America they are way behind them and road conditions and driving behavior is not among the best in the world.
India’s roads are among the deadliest roads in world which takes one life in every five minutes during road accidents. Minister of state for road transport and Highways, P. Radhakrishnan spoke about it in Rajya Sabha about the government’s strategy to mandate the offset frontal and side impact based crash tests for all passenger cars by October 2015.
Mr. Radhakrishnan Said, “For this requisite test, facilities are being built under the National Automotive Testing and Research and Development Infrastructure Project (NATRIP) initiative. Once these facilities are ready, the regulations will be implemented,”
He further added, “Once these facilities are ready, the regulations will be implemented,”
The entry level basic variants don’t have even basic safety features like anti-lock braking system and airbags, irony is these manufactures offers these basic features internationally. Earlier this year five popular cars fail to pass the crash test carry out by UK based car safety NCAP global. To meet the regulations, carmakers need to have several standard safety features including airbags.
The society of Indian automobile manufactures (SIAM) is among one of the members of standing committee which looks after the implementation issue in central motor vehicle rules.
Officials said the ministry is considering making airbags mandatory in new cars, a senior official said
“The Government is drawing up plans to redress the matter of road safety.
“The matter is high on agenda and suggestions like mandatory airbags in cars have been given priority,”