Jaguar Land rover has launched the made in India Range Rover Evoque in the country at the sticker price of Rs. 48.73 lakh (Ex-showroom Mumbai). This will be the fourth locally assembled vehicle after Free Lander 2, Jaguar XJ and XF by JLR. Range Rover Evoque is launched in three variants Pure, Dynamic and Prestige and prices of all three have come down by 8-10 lakhs.
Variant Name | Price (Ex-showroom Mumbai) | Price Difference |
Range Rover Evoque Pure | Rs. 48.73 lakh | Rs. 6.27 lakh |
Range Rover Evoque Dynamic | Rs. 52.40 lakh | Rs. 11.80 lakh |
Range Rover Evoque Prestige | Rs. 56.21 lakh | Rs. 8.83 lakh |
Range Rover Evoque is available in 3-door and 5-door variants powering the 2.2L diesel motor producing the maximum output of 188bhp power@3500rpm and 420Nm peak torque@2000rpm matched to a 9-speed automatic gearbox while the petrol variant will continue to be brought via CBU route. The three door version is available only in prestige trim with 2.0L petrol motor delivering 255bhp power.
JLR has added some new features in Range Rover Evoque like front-rear parking sensors, reverse camera, Navigation, contrast roof, surround camera, rear seat entertainment package and Land rover’s state of art Terrain response system.
JLR has started producing cars locally from 2011 and company claims that the production of its cars has tripled since 2011. Range Rover Evoque will compete with Audi Q5, BMW X3 and Volvo XC 60.
The made in India Range Rover Evoque is available for sale and delivers expected to begin from the first week of April 2015.
Rohit Suri, President of Jaguar Land Rover India, said: “We believe that India is a market that offers significant opportunities for both the Jaguar and Land Rover brands. I am pleased to announce the broadening of our locally manufactured portfolio, with the introduction of the Range Rover Evoque. It is already very popular with Indian customers and we will now offer this SUV at an even more competitive price point starting at INR 48.73 Lakhs, Ex-Showroom Mumbai (Pre-Octroi). This will enable us to access a wider audience which consists of discerning and premium Indian customers who have always loved the brand, aspired to own this SUV and be seen in it. Our investment in the Pune facility demonstrates our continued long-term commitment to the Indian market.”