Maruti Suzuki, India’s apex carmaker has given one of its best sellers ‘Wagon R’ a special treatment. MSIL has launched Wagon R Felicity special edition at an introductory price of Rs. 4.40 lakh. The edition is available on two trims- LXi and Vxi with all the current engine and transmission options of the standard Wagon R. The special edition comes with a few add-ons over the standard model and benefits worth Rs. 13,500 to customers.
Wagon R Felicity gets set of boy graphics on sides, rear spoiler, reverse parking sensors with voice and display assistance, new steering cover, carpet mat, PU seat covers, premium cushions set and interior styling kit. The LXi variant comes with a double din bluetooth system with speakers.
Maruti Suzuki Wagon R Felicity is powered by 1.0L petrol engine which delivers 67bhp of max power and 90Nm of torque, linked with a 5-speed manual and a 5-speed AMT gearbox. It delivers an ARAI mileage of 20.5 Kmpl. Wagon R is also offered in CNG fuel trim as well. Below is the ex-showroom Delhi prices of Wagon R Felicity:-
– Wagon R Felicity LXi: Rs. 4.40 lakhs
– Wagon R Felicity Vxi (AMT) O: Rs. 5.37 lakhs
Announcing the Wagon R Felicity limited edition Mr. R. S. Kalsi, Executive Director Marketing & Sales, Maruti Suzuki India Limited, said, “Wagon R is one of the most successful car brands ever in India. As the brand has evolved, its popularity and loyalty have grown. Wagon R has been among India’s top five best selling cars for the last five years in a row. We wanted to celebrate the brand by creating something distinct and special, which is fresh and feature rich. Wagon R Felicity is the result, and will be available only in limited numbers. I am sure it will appeal to Wagon R loyalists as well as compact car customers who are looking for a product that is unique and distinct.”