If there can, ever be a car like superman then this RS5 is surely the Clark Kent of all the cars, but that disguise of the Kent cover over the superman powers is not there, unlike superman this car can never wear that cape of innocence and the genetic maniac aggression could never be covered and that’s the reason this car delivers what it flaunts about.
So let’s have a few words on this street legal madness, said by some experts counting on to this devil.
This car speaks, roars to be precise, a lot about what it has got under its hood and what you are gonna experience, cupped in those ultra sporty bucket seats, behind those three spokes steering case.
To be honest, we have had enough about its roar and high exhaust notes and even higher notes of performance zeal. And what we really crave for, had been very rightly pointed out by our experts, that this car is actually a very subtle blend of raw power hooliganism and bold old-school boy manners. Yes, this car, besides its madhouse effect is a pure Audi gene, carrying still, that class and sovereignty with a sporty streak in it, be it about the interiors or exteriors.
This car, being a V8 junction of power, still has that charm to take you along with your family of 4 and decent amount of luggage in the boot, on those calm weekend rides but never expect the same calmness from the exhaust flaps and let that drama roll.
It really is a big task to find out the oddities about this car until and unless one is a nerd who hates engine growls and resist those high performance peaks, in short if you are a boring and disagreeable guy, you can never love this vehicle and infact you can’t even like any, and you should probably shut all connections from the outer world and start living under a rock!
That’s what our experts say being over-emotional about this no-bullshit machine when they are all stressed but couldn’t find anything as a let down in a car which is always on its high, even at its extreme low!
But as said, nothing comes without any crank, even the word perfection!
And what here disproportionates this car’s sheer pleasure is its raw power itself, which is on so high a level that it effects the car’s handling around bends, with the cornering being a bit tricky job and apart from being sweet and light on steering, this car alarms you of its light weight laziness around corners and if you can really manage those biting yet unelectable bits of handling lumps then you are born to live with this car and this car for you.
END VERDICT- A high- performance saloon on dope, with a lot of drama, flash and its here to make its presence “yell”. A car to feed true fanaticism and fascination.