One of the world’s best cars has just got even better, now with even more technology, wood, leather and luxury. And not just that, the New Mercedes-Benz S Class also redefines what a car is supposed to be doing in near future. But apart from that, this new car is a whole new experience for the designers to design, company to endorse and buyers to buy on a whole. And exactly here, our work of measuring it for your betterments and confusions related to this begins. We brought you the specs, the comparisons and then the reviews of various kinds based on this car and so, now it is the time we bring you a quick Critic Review of this car as well based on the critical analysis of various Automobile Critics and experts. A quick list of things they like in this are to be good and some of the things they criticize. So without wasting any further time, let’s get to the point and see what are this car’s high and low points.
- Ultra modern and futuristic design approach, which is not this time, limited to a mere facelift.
- New grille, body highline and stance now look more sophisticated and sporty at same time.
- New ALL LED lightening in front and rear lamp assembly looks and feels great and is mild even on the running traffic.
- Sophisticated, performing capable yet efficient engines are now used.
- Quick throttle response and Anti-skid acceleration makes this car’s experience even more fruitful to make the most of every push of paddle.
- Inside, this car now feels more fantastic with infusion of modern technology and classy luxury elements.
- LED-AMBIENT lightening in the cabin is bliss.
- More space, more leather, more wood and more comforts are everywhere in the car.
- Rear seats are so far the best in any of the modern day cars, with FIRST CLASS cabin optional package.
- Overall ENTERTAINMENT PACKAGE and upholstery comforts make this car even more rejuvenating.
- Safety measurements of the car are par excellence and distributed in three patterns for extra safe drives each time.
- New 7-G-Tronic 7-Speed AT system feels more at home for more refined, performance oriented and lag free drives.
- Better in handling, drivability and ergonomics with more focused chassis and AIRMATIC suspensions for ultra soft and completely jerk free rides on all types of roads.
- It’s a complete package if one can afford.
On a very casual note, we couldn’t find many flaws with this car, but however they were, they were still flaws and that means this car needs improvement too.
- First thing about its riding flaw is this car is too heavy to steer sometimes, on higher speeds.
- Due to very soft and pot-hole gulping suspensions, this car could be a little wild around corners.
- The AMG version of this car would be missed in India as of now by more enthusiast drivers.
- Due to such comforts at backseats, this car is mostly going to be driven by Chauffeurs in India.
- The overall weight of the car is now reduced, but still its way to heavy.
- Prices more than most of its German rivals.
- FIRST-CLASS cabin package makes it cost even higher.
- Wood on steering might feel upper class, but reduces overall grip.
Final Verdict
Lastly, this car will surely make you feel more like you’ve bought a fully furnished home on four-wheels and now if we have to find more points to add to its minuses then it’s purely going to be because of our inability to buy one, or because of the fact that we feel jealous of those rich lords who are going to pose around with these magnetic wheels coming late for on parties in total arrogance while you cannot. We give this car a total admiration from our team of experts and Critics for its surmounted new avatar.