Launched in October 2015, Maruti Baleno has held its root strong in the Indian market with an average of 10,000 units a month. In the process, the car has achieved many milestones like crossing one lakh sales mark in less than a year to a bestselling car in the segment. Now, the hatchback has crossed 2 lakh sales mark in just 20 months which shows how much people love it. Besides domestic market, Maruti has also exported more than 33,000 units of the Baleno and it is exported to more than 100 countries.
Baleno achieved huge success thanks to decent design, premium features, roomy cabin and good ride and handling abilities. It also features dual front airbags and ABS as standard across the range along with rich features such as auto climate control, Apple carplay, Android Auto and Mirrorlink connectivity.
The brand has recently launched the performance version of the hatchback named Baleno RS at a sticker price of Rs. 8.69 lakh (ex-showroom Delhi). Currently, it is available in petrol, diesel and booster jet engines. The 1.2l petrol delivers 83bhp of power and 115Nm of torque while 1.3l DDis diesel makes 74bhp and 190Nm of torque. The 1.0l Boosterjet is good for 100bhp of max torque and 150Nm of torque.
On this achievement, R S Kalsi, executive director, sales and marketing, Maruti Suzuki, said that Baleno was developed to meet the evolving demands of global customers. He further added that not only has the Baleno set new benchmarks in design and technology, it has also received a great response in India as well as several international markets. We are very humbled with the success of Baleno. We thank all our customers for their support and patience despite the huge waiting for delivery on Baleno.”