After a long ado, Mahindra has finally launched all new electric avatar of Verito sedan christened as e-Verito in India. Thanks to government’s FAME initiative for electric vehicles, the e-Verito is attractively priced at Rs. 9.50 lakh for the D2 variant while the top spec D6 version is priced at juts Rs. 10 lakh (ex-showroom Delhi). Electric and Hybrid cars are the need of the hour in order to curtail the pollution especially in Delhi-NCR region.
The e-Verito first broke cover in 2014 Auto Expo but due to poor response of Standard Verito sedan, Mahindra hold back the launch of its electric avatar. Being Manufactured at Mahindra’s electric division electric mobility division, it will be initially available in cities such as New Delhi, Bangalore, Mumbai, Pune, Chandigarh, Jaipur, Nagpur, Kolkata and Hyderabad.
If we talk about sub 10 lakh category electric vehicles, there are hardly any options available except for Mahindra e2o hatchback. The design, interiors and features are similar to regular Verito sedan like infotainment system with USB, Aux-in support, keyless entry, alloy wheels and follow me headlamps etc.
The Standard is powered by a 1.5l diesel engine while its electric avatar gets a 72V three phase electric motor that puts out 41bhp power@3500rpm and 91Nm@3000rpm of peak torque and capable of reaching top speed of 86 km/hr. e-Verito’s battery can be fully charged in 8 hours and 45 minutes via standard 230V 15A outlet requiring 18 units of electricity.
The D6 variant comes with fast charging (bummer alert) feature which enables 72V Li-ion battery to get 80 percent charge in just 1 hour and 45 minutes. Mahindra claims that E-Verito will endure low cost as the running cost of the vehicle will be low as Rs. 1.15/km. The sedan is loaded with some noteworthy features such as revive features which can be used for extra 8 km, regenerative braking system, hill hold, boost mode and intelligent energy system.