Winter season has always been a worry for vehicle owners, according to stats – number of accidents are 200% higher in this particular not so friendly weather. We @ carzoom want our readers to be safe and therefore have bought for you “tips for safe driving this winter”.
1) Before going out, make sure that your vehicle is prepared for the winter. Check the ignition wires, all lights of the car, battery, brakes, tires condition and pressure, exhaust system, windshield wipers; these all should work properly to save you from unwanted trouble, replace as soon as possible if necessary.
2) It becomes hard comparatively to start a diesel engine in winter. To ignite the fuel, a diesel engine only uses heat of compressed air which results in making this engine a bit hard to start, so it can be said that a diesel engine requires more care in winter.
3) It would be better if you use the fuel conditioner in the engine during winter, as it is a multi-utilitarian diesel fuel preservative. It restrains the diesel to gel-up and support the engine to start better in cold and assures decent fuel performance.
4) Replace both the fuel-filters of your engine before weather gets too cold. The reason is that a dirty fuel filter assembles more paraffin and blocks the fuel.
5) Turn on the glow plug system as it helps in reducing the amount of thermal diffusion which occurs at the time of starting engine. A glow plug is a pencil shaped piece of metal with heating element at the tip which is used to aid starting diesel engines.
6) Always keep an emergency kit in your car if you are on a long journey. This kit should include the entire necessary things like tow rope, torch, car blanket, warm clothes, de-icing equipment, first aid kit, fully charged mobile, water, food etc.
7) Always drive with minimum speed in winter so that you can stop suddenly if necessary. Due to fog, it creates trouble in seeing clearly, so keep your car in limited speed and maintain proper distance with the other vehicles, this distance should be five times more than the normal distance.
8) Be ready always for sudden brakes, brake gently when necessary. Know what kind of brakes your car has and how to use them properly. If you have ABS system in your car, apply firm pressure and if you don’t have ABS system then pump the brakes gently.
9) Check the car’s ventilation, the heater should not be turned on full as it can create drowsiness especially in winters which can be dangerous while driving.
10) If you are driving when there is fog outside or driving in snow then keep the wipers active and also stop frequently to clean wheel arches, lights, windows and number plates.
11) Check the weather condition properly before leaving; always put a route map with yourself. Leave early from home and give a plenty of time to reach to your final stop, don’t rush.
12) Keep your fuel tank always full; it will help if you stuck in traffic. Traffic jam in winter season due to fog is obvious, so be prepared for that, select shorter and not so common route if possible.
13) If you are in traffic jam and the can see the car at rear then obviously the driver of that car can see you, so turn off your rear fog lamps to avoid dazzling them.
14) Prevention is better than cure. During winter, it becomes risky to drive so try to avoid travelling but obviously it’s not possible to not go anywhere in all winter, so be safe, be attentive and take care of you and your vehicle properly.